Branding Notes
As a volunteer in a department, it may be difficult to correctly brand your posters, images, newsletters, and PowerPoints. To help here are the Lakeside Adventist Community, (Pakenham Seventh-day Adventist Church) branding and design notes. This is our Identity Guideline System.
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<18/07/2020 19:12> Added World Wide Seventh-Day Adventist Branding and Video Thumbnail inner glow dimensions.
Instead of searching around in Google images trying to find and using outdated jpg versions of our logo, you can download the up to date Pakenham Seventh-day Adventist Church logo in various colours, file types, and without a background. Our logo is available for download as a zip file. The package includes our logo in black, white, or colour. The logo comes in different file types including png and vector. To download click the button below.

Text Fonts
At Lakeside we use 2 fonts for our branding and identity. These are:
Francios One Regular (used for titles/headings).
Barlow Condensed Light (used for subscript/text/paragraphs).
You can download and install these fonts directly from our official website by clicking the button below. The download includes a zip file with 2 ttf files that will allow you to install these on your local device.
When creating material you do not have to implement these colours into the design, although these colours are used in the church logo, the majority of promotional material and the website. These colours when used consistently become memorable and form our 'brand' identity. The Lakeside Adventist Community has 2 'brand' colours. These are:
Smooth Dark Blue (HEX: #2d375e, RGB: R: 45 G: 55 B: 94).
Light Orange (HEX: #f15f3e, RGB: R: 241 G: 95 B: 62).
Poster Identity Branding
If you are creating a poster keep in mind that the Lakeside Communications team would be most happy to create one for you that will be well designed and include our identity if you contact them via email to media@lakesidechurch.org.au with all the necessary information.
If you are creating a poster there are no design restrictions that you need to follow. Simply, if you like the way it looks, then it's well designed.
For a poster, we recommend you use the Lakeside Adventist Community fonts and place the Lakeside Adventist Community logo somewhere on the poster, but that is up to the author and the design they are pursuing. A well-designed poster is easy to read so we recommend you don't use light coloured text (e.g. Yellow) on a light background (e.g. White). Instead used darker colours on lighter backgrounds and vice versa. If the text is still difficult to read try adding a glow/drop shadow to the text or a small colour overlay on the background image. You can even try to implement coloured background bars placed behind the text into the design. Here is an example of a branded poster:

Worship Program
Here you can download a completely optional template of the order of service sheet that you can fill in and then print out to give to everyone on the day. Below you can download various versions which include docx (Microsoft Word), dotx (Microsoft Word Template) or pdf.
You will need to download and install the Lakeside Adventist Community fonts before downloading/opening the documents/templates.
Video Thumbnails
When creating a video thumbnail for a Lakeside Adventist Community video we recommend you include the Lakeside Adventist Community logo, fonts and thumbnail branding (found in the 'thumbnail branding' section below).
What is the point of a thumbnail and what is it supposed to do?
A thumbnail is a hook that informs the user of what the video is about. It grabs the attention of anyone who came across our video on a streaming platform like youtube as the thumbnail is one of the very first things someone sees before clicking the video. This is why it is very important to create an attention-grabbing and interesting looking thumbnail that makes your/our video stand out better from all the others on youtube and suggests to the user that this video will be interesting and good. If the thumbnail is created professionally and with care it will suggest that the video is just as good as the thumbnail.
What should the thumbnail include?
A thumbnail needs to be attention-grabbing and most importantly it needs to inform the user of what the video is about. Also remember that thumbnails are usually very small. This means that large text, interesting images, eye-catching bright colours, an interesting design, an interesting title and interesting phrasing are all important aspects of a good thumbnail.
Thumbnail branding:
Once you have designed your thumbnail to be eyecatching and informative it is always important to brand the thumbnail so that it is consistent with the video. Branding includes:
A soft white inner glow from the edges of the thumbnail. (This makes the thumbnail design consistent with new intro/outro of the video).
The Lakeside Adventist Community Logo.
The Lakeside Adventist Community Fonts, although other fonts may be used in combination.
Adding this allows the video thumbnail to be consistent with the design of the video itself and of the 'brand' identity.
Follow the following dimensions and numbers when applying the small inner glow.
Opacity: 100%
Noise: 0%
Colour: Solid White
Technique: Softer
Source: Edge
Choke: 28%
Size: 101%
Range: 100%
Jitter: 100%
Suggested Dimensions/file type: 1920x1080p is a good suggested thumbnail size. Export the thumbnail as jpg as otherwise it might be too large for uploading to sites like youtube.
Here are some examples of thumbnails at the approximate size they will appear on YouTube:

The following notes are mainly addressed to the communications department.
The way a video is created is completely up to the video producer as there are so set guidelines. Simply if it brings glory to God, it is a great video! We do have some recommendations:
Sermon/Sabbath School/Presentation Videos:
Include the speakers name as a lower third.
Add the intro and outro to the start and end of the video.
Normalise the Audio to 0db, -1db, or equivalent.
Make sure that all content used is royalty-free or that we have the appropriate license to use it. If so, make the license available in the credits or video description.
Make sure that the intro/outro music that overlaps the start and end of the video isn't too loud. If it is, try additionally, gradually lowering/raising the levels when the speaker is speaking.
Applying the Intro/Outro:
The black background on the original intro/outro file needs to be replaced with the start of the video (same for the beginning of the outro). For example on a sermon video, the intro plays and then the speaker is shown just a few seconds before actually starting his sermon while the intro is overlayed on top. You can do this by using the 'screen' transparency effect in Premiere Pro or equivalent in other software.
The new intro and outro have background music that fades in roughly 30 seconds before the outro actually starts or goes on for roughly 10 seconds after the intro.
Seventh-Day Adventist Branding
If you are in a department it is very likely that you would love to have access to the up to date SDA official logos in various different colours themes, languages and designs instead of going hunting for them online. You may also need the Seventh-day Adventist fonts and colours. Most people still find themselves using the old Seventh-Day Adventist logos without realising that they have already been phased out and new modern and official ones have been made. Check out more information about the new design in the below video.
For more information and Seventh-day Adventist resources check out the links below.