Community Outreach
Lakeside Community Church runs a lot of Community outreach programmes. Whether these are small projects like gardening or big ones like visiting people in prison and the homeless.
What we Serve
The Lakeside Adventist Community is very passionate about serving people in need. This could be spiritually or physically.
We provide food for the hungry and a place for them to socialise through our Cardinia Community Cafe
We provide Blankets for the homeless people which are going to be spending there night out on the streets around Melbourne.
We visit people in prison and give them comfort.
We provide food for the homeless people out on the streets.
We love gardening and are extremely passionate about making the building we were gifted with the most beautiful place. ​
We welcome and invite people to join us in Worship each week.
We provide weekly group Bible studies starting at 9:30 am on Saturday.
Our Pastors/Team constantly pray for the people in need.
We are a part of the 4 C'S. For more info visit facebook.com/4CsCentre/
There is much more we do for the outside community.