Lakeside Kidz
Every week at 9:30 a.m. kidz get to go to there weekly Bible study classes. The classes are divided into age levels. These are:
Beginners (0-2)
Kinder (3-5)
Primary (6-9)
Juniors (10-13)
Teens (14-17)
The weekly children Bible study classes each week contain songs, crafts, quizzes, games, and Bible stories. You children will be very entertained while you enjoy the Adult Bible Study session.


Pathfinders, a program similar to Scouts, are designed for 10-16-year-olds to socialize with each other as well as learn and develop life skills. Run by qualified and committed leaders of the church, Pathfinders participate in a range of activities, including -
camping and hiking
Honor badges can be earned for completing requirements on specific topics in the areas or nature, craft and recreation, and at the end of each year Pathfinder clubs present awards to Pathfinders
They also learn to develop important life values such as teamwork, commitment, and self-respect. They will be awarded on the achievement of various skills.
Safe Places
All local Churches across Australia and New Zealand strive to fulfill to the following:
Adherence to a local Church Child-Safe Policy.
Screening of all volunteers and staff who work with children or young people (any person from 0 - 18 years of age).
Performing legally-required required Criminal History Record Checks that apply in local region (State, Territory, or Country)
Adopting a Code of Conduct which outlines the conduct expected of all adults who interact with children and young people whilst on Church property and on Church-sponsored activities.
Reporting all disclosures, suspicions and allegations of children at risk of harm or abuse to authorities such as the Police, Government Child Protection services, and to Church authorities.
Implementing Safety Agreements with applicants who have a conviction or positive finding for an offence of a sexual, pornographic or violent nature against a child or young person.
Training of local Church pastors, elders, deacons, leadership team members, all ministry leaders, children & youth leaders and Safe Place coordinators by attending a full day Safe Church Awareness Workshop training program.
Local Churches also appoint a Safe Place Coordinator, or a team, to assist the local Church Board to comply with the Child-Safe Policy, Code of Conduct, and screening requirements (Working with Children checks)