Plan a Visit
Welcome back to Church! No bookings, QR Code or Vaccinaion Certificates are required to come along.
You can also use the chat feature on this website to easily contact us in real time.
However, please be patient if we don't get back to you immediately due to large contact volumes.
How things changed...
You're welcome at anytime no matter your vaccination status!​
Otherwise, join us live on our media and home pages!
As COVID-19 has brought along with it many government restrictions and precautions we have to follow, there are a few things that changed since the last time you've been at church, or even if you're visiting for the first time there are still some things you might need to be aware of. ​
You no longer need to book in due to the increased volumes we are allowed in the building.
When you walk in you no longer need to scan the QR code, however you are most welcome to as they are still avaliable.
If you need it, you'll be able to find Hand Sanitiser when you first walk through the main entrance of the building.
We hope you'll find the physical church experience enjoyable after months of lockdown and not being able to attend!
New to Lakeside?
Thank you for considering joining us one of these upcoming Sabbaths. You are very welcome to join us or just come for a visit.
When you arrive, you are welcome to park your car on our car park, or when the car park is full a sign will be put up (usually around 11am) and you would be able to park alongside Shearwater Drive, which is the road that is facing the front of our Church.
When you walk through the front entrance you will not feel awkward because you will be made welcome by our members and shown directions.
When you walk through the lobby towards the main auditorium the toilets will be on the left if you need to go at any time during the morning.
Arriving at 10 - Bible Study
Arriving at 11 - Main Service
When you enter the main auditorium you are welcome to sit down anywhere you desire. You will be welcomed and then you will be able to partake in the BIble Study.
During the Bible Study you can either join one of the smaller classes in one of the back rooms of the church or enjoy the main Bible Study in the main auditorium. The privilege of smaller classes is that they're more friendly and interactive while having the perfect conditions for both introverts and social butterflies.
We will have an open-minded discussion. Each Saturday we look at a particular topic. You are welcome to participate or just listen along. The discussion usually opens and closes with a prayer.
When you enter the main auditorium our volunteers will guide you some spare seats remaining in the venue and they will try their best to find seats right next to each other so your family isn't separated. You are also welcome to sit down anywhere you desire.
Various speakers will deliver some announcements and the service will begin. Feel assured that you will defiantly be welcomed by our members. The service consists of songs, various other items and a pastors message to the congregation.
After the service is over you are welcome to hang around to bond with your newly created friends while maintaining social distancing and also ask questions if you have any.
We are absolutely sure that you'll be welcome.
What to Wear?
You can come as you are! There is no particular dress code for our service, other than a face mask (in accordance to government regulations).
As long as you are comfortable we are happy!
Linking back to 'what this means for you'...
Most importantly, you're always welcome. We're saving a seat for you. Wherever you're at in your faith journey, you'll always be accepted as part of the Lakeside family. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. Our Church is filled with completely imperfect people, so no matter who you are, we accept you the way you are.
You matter to God, You matter to Us.
This is the general structure of our Services...

Bible Study
Sabbath school starts at 10 a.m. It's a time where we can discuss the teachings of the Bible and socialise with each other.
Main Programme
The church service starts at 11.00 a.m. on Saturday. It is a time where we can unite together, gather strength from the Word of God and learn more about God.
Following is an example of a typical weekly church services -
Song Service - singing of contemporary Christian songs or hymns and praises to God.
Offering - for local running costs or mission projects.
Special Item - This can be a musical item or even a drama performance on an aspect or story in the Bible.
Scripture Reading - a passage of the Bible is read that is relevant to the sermon
The message - The local pastor or a guest speaker will share a message with the congregation on God's Word
Benediction - the preacher closes the service with prayer.